Blog posts index page 6

About cutting corners

It takes time to understand a problem, because before you can fully understand it, you need to also understand its context. As a code base grows, depending on how well the code is structured, the context in which you need to understand the problem can (and often will) grow.


Inspect Laravels query builder output

When learning something new (in this case Laravel and it’s ORM Eloquent) it is always nice to be able to “look behind the curtains” to see what actually happens. This both help you understand the internals of the things you are using and can sometime make bug squashing a lot easier.


What's so cool about Clojure

Around 5 years ago a colleague of mine tried to spark some interest for Clojure. He described it using terms like functional, higher order functions, pure functions, composable, immutable data, lazy evaluated, code is data and vice versa, macros, concurrency etc. None of which I truly understood at the time but instead felt like buzzwords.